Mr Marc for 26/04/23

C senior

Hello guys! for next time please revise the prefixes and suffixes we looked at in the student book ( p91) ,  revise and put the new words into word lists from the first page of unit 8 ( back to school P95) and complete student book p95 ex 3 and workbook p64

Cheesy champions 

  • Hello everyone! For next time I’d like you to revise the expressions we learned from the start of our new unit 7 ( words about emotions) and complete sb p83 ex 1
  • Do some research online to find fun facts about smiling  
  • present your challenge ( a joke? a review?) 



Revise vocabulary from unit 7 so far and complete the listening from p84-85


hello! for next time please review and revise the vocabulary we covered at the beginning of unit 9 and write interesting examples with the expressions from sb p106 ex1 and 3. then revise and learn the phrasals from companion p118 exercise 4 ( 9.98-9.103 )



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