Ms.Vicky for 28/3

C Senior

1) Study words p.86 ex.1 SB

2) Do WB p.61.Plan and write ex.4 for Writing

3) Do WB p.101 exercises on Past Perfect and Reported Speech


Hello guys!12 lessons left for us to finish the book and revise!It sure sounds a lot, but I want you to BE STRONG AND FOCUSED and give your 100% from now on as I will be asking a lot from you!!Do remember though that I am only doing this for your own good!

In case you weren't with us,we did p.95 SB and the first two exercises from Vocabulary section WB. We also discussed the unit grammar p.159-160.

1) Do vocabulary section exercises WB pp.108+110 (the first exercise only)

2) Do Grammar section WB p.109 (1,2 and 3)

3) I will give you Wordwall/learningapps activities on Viber to help your study of wish, inversion and conditionals.


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