Ms Themis for Monday 20/3/23

Hello everyone!

This is your homework for Monday:

B Senior

Continue doing the activities on Cambridge One. 

SB p. 77 Write the picture story. Use the ideas in ex. 3 and these:
Suddenly, she couldn't believe her eyes, immediately (αμέσως)
Use the past continuous (They were playing...)
and the past simple(when she woke up...)
Make your story interesting!

p. 78 Remember the information about the dinosaurs, try telling it to someone in English. 
p. 79 Read the texts in ex. 3 and remember as much information as you can. 

Do ex. 5. Write the information in simple English, in your own words and make a drawing! 

WB p. 76-77 Do all the exercises. 

C Senior

Read the essay on p. 65 again and write your own. Choose one of the topics in ex. 4. 
Use some of the expressions in the useful language box. Use one or two conditional sentences in your essays. 

Revise the conditionals, we'll do a grammar quiz. You can practise them by doing interactive quizzes here:

Cheesy Champions

Practise the conditionals by doing interactive quizzes here:

Do all the exercises in the worksheet below and answer the question in the end in about 100 words:


Revise the grammar of units 5 and 6.

WB p. 41-42 Finish all the exercises and do p. 44. 

Watch a Ted talk (any one you want) on the human brain and report back in class. Tell us what impressed you the most using some new language your heard in the video. 

Have a nice weekend everyone!


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