Ms Korina Cool kids 😎 for 4/4

Hello everyone 😊

Wordlist p. 21 copy and learn the words 7.15-7.33 and the irregular verbs

(Friendly reminder: those of you who had to copy the words twice please do it!) 

Sb p. 84 sing the song and learn it by heart πŸ’œ.
Sb p. 84 do ex 3 (in your notebooks). What happened to the girl the next day? 
E.g The next day she woke up and had a toothache because she ate too much apple cookies.

Wb p. 85 do ex 1, 2, 3.

Extra practice: super practice book p. 63 do ex. 2 and 3.

Have a nice weekend πŸŒΈπŸ„


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