Mr Marc for 22/03/23

C senior

hey guys! Good work on creating those forbidden word cards together, lets now use them to study the vocabulary from unit 6 before the test on wednesday. Use cambridge, your wordlists and your cards to revise.

Check Cambridge!

Cheesy champions 

  • Revise the vocabulary from unit 7 so far - collocations with take and get sbp71, the readings and the inspiration vocabulary from sb74
  • Complete wb p51 and check Cambridge 


  • prepare article with a short presentation
  • complete the workbook exercises we mentionned in class ( p39,40 and 45) and revise the vocabulary from the entire unit. Try to group the vocabulary before you study them and make sure to split study time into several sessions. 
  • Complete the introduction page of unit 7 on your sb 


Revise vocabulary from unit 7 and write examples from your mistakes.


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