Mr Marc for 20/03/23


C senior

hey guys! Following our lesson on instructions I’d like you to revise all the vocabulary from unit 6 so far (making things + materials and containers) 

then,  use the expressions we learned to write down instructions for what you prepared in class sb p76 ex 5 - remember to use present simple passive and phrases from the useful language and everyday English boxes! 

Check Cambridge!

Cheesy champions 

  • Finish the reading from sb p72
  • revise the vocabulary from the text along with the collocations from p71

  • Complete wb p49 and check Cambridge.  


  • Revise listening and speaking vocabulary p69-70- Exercises p72 from companion and p40 from wb

    Aim to have found a research topic by Monday for a presentation on Wednesday - read an article and watch a video on a topic you enjoy and write down some interesting information to present to the rest of the class. Please ask if you need help finding material I’m happy to help! 


Revise companion vocabulary from companion p93 (7.150-7.169) 
And write expressions using exercise 5 and speaking phrasais and expressions 
Finish all vocabulary exercises from workbook unit 7 ( up to and including p100)


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