Mr Marc for 03/04/23

C senior

hey guys!Those stories you summarised were excellent, now complete workbook p59 and revise the vocabulary from both readings ( the Gellert story and the Star story) and write sentences with the new words.Also, check Cambridge

Cheesy champions 

  • complete the reading and exercises from this page
  • complete sb p132-133

  •  check Cambridge.  


for next time id like you to study the new vocabulary we covered very carefully. remember to group the words according to the exercises we discovered them in the sb
Workbook p46-47
Watch the first half of this video on Architecture. Take notes. This film was made in the 1960's. What has changed since then?


Re read the text from sb carefully and study companion p 101-103. Then write two multiple choice questions for the same text, one general and one specific - be sure to include traps in your answers. 

Then, study the words from companion p 107 ( 8.154-8.164) and complete the words from skills exercise in the wb p 111 - write some examples with these as we're going to practice using them in class.


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