Ms.Vicky for 2/2

C Senior

1) Study the 1st Conditional from the SB p.61 and the notebook

2) Learn the Conditional formula and write two sentences with it,preferably one with "if" and one with "unless"

3) Do WB p.42 exercises 1->5


In case you weren't with us, we finished the Writing section unit 5 from SB and we started Speaking

1) Do SB p.66 Writing exercises 5+7 

2) Study the infinitives table for the test unit 5 7/2

3) Think of the following speaking matters on job.You should think of some arguments based on the categories I taught you,but you should also start to remember them without checking your notes.

  • Is part-time or full-time work better?
  • Are there many job vacancies in Greece?
  • Working from home VS working in an offeice
  • Is a great CV  the main reason that somebody finds a good job?
  • What is your dream job?

The last discussion topic is underlined as it is a personal question and you may get it during the first Speaking section in exams; therefore, it is mandatory(=υποχρεωτική).Think of arguments for this one plus one more matter.


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