Ms.Vicky for 14/2

C Senior

In case you weren't with us yesterday,we corrected grammar photocopy and WB exercises on Second Conditional.We did a lot of practice on the new Conditional.

1) Study Conditionals 1 and 2 

2) Write a sentence chain (4 sentences) using 2nd Conditional.The sentence should start:

"If I were rich/prime minister/older,I would... "

For Example
"If I were rich, I would buy a big house.If I got a big house,I would have many rooms.If I had many rooms, I would fill one room with books and another room with video games.If I had one room for video games and one with books,I would read and play whole day."

3) Cambridge One unit 4 is now open.Revise please!

4) Do the Wordwall activities to practise your Conditional knowledge:


In case you weren't with us yesterday,we discussed test unit 5,corrected Reading and discussed grammar Unit 6.

1) Study auxiliary verbs and modals from pp.155-156 SB.

2) Study vocabulary words 6.71->6.137 (vocabulary section)

3) Do WB p.82-83 ex.1->4


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