Mr Marc for 08/02/23


C senior

Hello guys, for next time please study the new words we learned from unit 5 using word lists. Complete the cambridge exercises i have assigned.Do some research on fun facts about the earth and write down five of your favorites. 

Cheesy champions

  • Project work:see cambridge
    Create a plan for your week's homework using the learn to learn table on p 57 of the sb
  • Do some  research on natural wonders and decide which is your favorite. remember to write down which site you got the information from


  • Revise the unit 5 vocabulary we have done so far, including from the reading. Review unit 4 also
  • Using the worksheet i've sent on viber please find an article on the technology section of the guardian to read, summarise and collect collocations from new words (see the worksheet to understand what i mean)
  • Otherwise, here is a small article that discusses how geckos have inspired Ford to make their cars more sustainable



Learn the expressions from sb p61-62 ex 3,4,5 ( use the companion) 

make examples using relative clauses and the expressions from sb p61-62 ex 3,4,5 


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