Mr Marc for 01/03/23

C senior

hey guys!For monday i'd like you to do a little research on the most important inventions throughout history. Also please complete wb p46

Cheesy champions

  • Project work: check cambridge, organise yourself and prepare your presentation 
  • Research an extreme place in the world and write down some multiple choice questions for your classmates about them
  • Wb p46


  • start reading a short story, you must finish it by wednesday  ( from here or here ) and if you want to try something a bit different here's an interactive sci fi text adventure for you. The aim is to explore and discover more than learn and memorise. try to have fun with it!
  • please complete the listening from sb p 60 ( see viber for files)
  • revise unit 3,4 and 5 reading vocabulary 


workbook p 84 + 86, revise unit 6 vocabulary for a small quiz on wednesday 


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