Ms.Vicky for 17/1

 C Senior

1) Do WB exercises pp.35 (not 3, 4 and 5) + 36. 

2) Study the new vocabulary on healthy eating.

3) Study grammar table on should, shouldn't and ought to.


In case you weren't with us yesterday, we did the unit review from student's book. We also discussed relative clauses from unit 5.I strongly suggest that you study grammar on your own, especially if you weren't in class this time.

1) Revise unit 4 vocabulary and grammar for the test this Tuesday

2) Do WB exercises pp. 58+59.

3) In case you haven't already done so, please notify us which day is convenient for an extra class (Wednesday or Friday). 

4) Do not forget to send me your unit 4 writing. If it is finished by today afternoon, you can leave it to our secretary for me to pick it up on Monday. Remember to have a writing plan and to time yourselves while you write.


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