Mr Marc for 01/02/23


C senior

Workbook p35, complete your work for the project, check Cambridge 

Cheesy champions

Project work: pick something about food (type , way it’s made, taste , origins ect ) you would want to make a poster about. Think about using visual elements that you liked from other posters and how to use them in your work. 

Workbook p35, revise new words from the word list, check Cambridge.


Companion revise words from unit 4. Start with the readings and then work your way through the exercises. Group them into categories and track your progress as we discussed in class.

Then read, summarise and give your opinion about this article


Révise the words from companion p62-64
Companion p68,69 ex 1,2,3 and 4. Then p70 vocabulary ex 1 


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