Ms.Vicky for 19/12

B Senior

In case you weren't with us yesterday, we did pp.38+39 SB and pp.30+31 Practice book!

1) Do p.36 WB ex.3 (make a rhyme with the activity above) and pp.38+39 WB 

2) Study vocabulary suddenly(=ξαφνικά), fire extinguisher(=πυροσβεστήρας),put out a fire(=σβήνω φωτιά), set/start a fire(=ξεκινάω/βάζω φωτιά), operator(=χειριστής/τηλεφωνητής), accident(=ατύχημα)

3) Reading pp.38+39 SB text


1) Do WB exercises p.92+93

2) Practice the theatrical play.Read your lines aloud and try to think of gestures or facial expressions you should take.


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