Ms Korina A senior 2 - Christmas HW πŸŽ…πŸŽ„

Hello childrenπŸŽ…

Revise everything we've done from Unit 3 (grammar, stories and vocabulary)! 

πŸ“’ Join Cambridge One (click it) and test yourselves on the online homework of Unit 3! Class key: 2yJ9-H87j

✍️ After reading the books I gave you in class ,write in your notebooks:
- What is the book about?
-What happens in the story? 
-one thing you like and one you don't like about the book/story and why! 

Have a holly jolly Christmas everyone and a Happy new year ❣️πŸŽ„☃️❄️πŸŽ…πŸŽ‰πŸŽ


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