Mr Marc for 07/12/22

 C senior

Hello everyone! for next time please learn your lines and make some spidergrams to list the new words we learned from the book today. So, from the word list words 3.1-3.22, from wb ex 1,2 and 3 p24 and sb p35 ex 4

Cheesy champions

For next time please do the necessary research for your individual projects as well as the student book exercise 3 p33 ( make sure you use the checklist for your own writing!) Also, complete the cambridge homework.


Hello all, for next time please write examples from your mistakes using and complete the exercises from sb p 29. Study the words using quizlet ( check the class, ive added a new list) and use the stars on the right hand side to select the words we are focusing on. If we havent already please complete the vocab exercise on companion p 28.

watch this video on Genetics!


sb p 38 exam practice and wb p 46


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