Ms.Vicky for 24/11

 C Senior

1) Study the irregular verbs table

2) Do WB p.91 exercises

3) Read SB p. 30 ex.2 on the profile and then write a profile of your favourite artist (singer,painter,dancer) in your notebook.Remember to search for information online following the safety rules we discussed together on p.30 ex.3 SB.


1) Study vocabulary from WB p.37.Remember to revise a column or study/revise one column per day in order to consolidate vocabulary better.

2) Write one sentence for each mistake you have made on test.If it is a vocabulary mistake, check the meaning of the word and create a new sentence to understand the way the word is used.If it is a grammar mistake,choose a verb you prefer and make a sentence using the appropriate tense/form.


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