Ms.Vicky for 14/11

 B Senior

1) Do WB exercises pp.26+27 

2) Prepare Reading p.26 SB

3) Check Wordlist words 2.28-2.38

4) Study Phonics section on p.27 SB and write 4 "silent consonant words" in your notebook.You can search them through Google, just type "silent consonant words english".

ΝΟΤΕ FOR ANESTIS: we talked about words where the consonant(=σύμφωνο) is written but not read p.e. talk(τοκ), know(νόου), sword(σόρντ), knight(νάιτ), knife(νάιφ), write(ράιτ), walk(γουόκ). Think about it and ask me anything you want.

5) I will add some videos on Viber on abseiling,mountaineering,shiitake mushrooms and...a mug cake recipe!Enjoy!


1) Do WB pp.17(reading),19 and 20.I will add the audio later on Viber.

2) Check Viber regarding the WB p.18 ex.5 issue on "would" and "used to " dispute


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