Ms Themis for 21/11/22

B Senior

Hello children!

For next time, go to p. 21 in your SBs and start a portfolio like the one in ex. 1. Write your profile on the first page. 

On the second page you must make an advert of a museum like the one in ex. 3. Find out the information you need (ex. 2) and make it interesting!

Revise everything we studied in Unit 1. The words, song, texts and stories. 

See you on Monday! 

C Senior 

Write the following story in the past simple and continuous.
Use these words: While, suddenly, quickly, luckily, after a few minutes, later, when, unfortunately.



For next time:

WB p.14 ex D,E

SB p. 22 ex A

Read an article about another paralympic athlete and take notes so you can give us a little presentation. 


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