Mr Marc for Golden Eagles and December Proficiency

 Golden Eagles for 08/11/22     

For next time, please study the mistakes you made from test 1 and write examples with both the correct and incorrect answer. Organise them in your notebook and make sure to read them regularly. 

Also, read the story we studied carefully and familiarise yourself with the vocabulary. Then answer the discussion questions in writing ( activity 4 ) or continue the story in your own personal style. 

Here is a short video on Edgar Allen Poe, the author of The Tell Tale Heart.

December Proficiency 11/11/22

For next time please study the vocabulary from unit 5 on water we looked at together today. Use your companion and test yourself! You're going to use them in our next lesson to tell us the weather. Also, please study the instructions for stages 3 and 4 that I'll send you on Viber.  
Use this quizlet list to test yourself! 


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