Mr Marc for 05/12/22

C seniors 

check viber for vocabulary worksheet. Learn your lines for the school play!

Cheesy champions 

As discussed in class, we have agreed to research and produce a history exhibit poster ( see example on sb p 30-31) by next wednesday 14/12/22. Its supposed to show some interesting facts and information about 3 topics ( sb ex5 p 31)  

For next time please work with your partner to answer the questions from sb p31 ex 4 ( how to schedule) for the decade you have decided to study.

use sites like the ones below


Write examples using the phrasal verbs form sb p 37 ex 3. Then  wb p43 ex 1 and 2 then p44 ex 4


Study the vocabulary from unit 3 ( re-read the texts )  workbook p 17 + companion p 28 

use the mistakes we made from exercises in wb p 12 to write examples - remember to use Just the word and study the vocabulary using quizlet regularly!


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