Ms.Vicky for 20/10

 C Senior

1) Do Writing p.13 WB.Please use the plan we discussed together on SB and the right words("Dear Editor", "My opinion is...",etc.).

2) Study green boxes on pp.16+17 SB.

3) Watch the Stephen Hawking video belowDon;t forget to turn on the subtitles!


1) Study words on pp.19-20 WB, and, if you have time, p.21.Quizlet will be ready for these sections by the end of the week.

2) Finish the exercises on p.19 SB 

3) (FOR TUESDAY) Prepare the columns on the matters on board.Remember, it is like bicycle training, it takes time.If you find two + and two - for each suject, I will be happy.


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