Ms.Vicky for 17/10

 B Senior

1) Do WB pp.14+15 

2) Find one riddle from the site below and we will discuss it together


1) Do WB pp.11+12 

2) Study the verbs we discussed together

3) I will repost listening track for unit 1 WB on Viber

4) Form groups of 2-I will give you time until next Monday 24/10- in case you cannot communicate with your partner via Viber or e-mail/phone- for the assignment I gave you. You should make 4 teams and pick one item.

"Propose one piece of clothing on websites like "Shein","HM",etc. that can be worn at work for me->blouse, trousers,jeans,dress". After 24/10, send me the link of your item and present within 5 lines, that is, describe it using the vocabulary we studied together and say why do you think is good.

Dear George,I would like to hear your opinion on video games that help you relax!

5) After you are finished with Unit 1 test and the clothing suggestion, we will be discussing music. I will give you some links on jazz music and the most famous songs/ singers!

Happy weekend everybody!!!😀😀😀💜💜😆😆


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