Ms Vicky for 13/10

C Senior 4.50-6.30

1) Study words p.12 SB and the senses

2) Do WB p.10 

3) Study Past Simple and Past Continuous and do the activities below:

4) Find information on Hellen Keller (3-4 lines on your notebook, who was she,what did she do,what was difficult for her)

5) Read the examples below and try to think if some of them exist in Greek too.

  • as brave as a lion
  • as funny as a barrel of monkeys
  • as cute as a kitten
  • as happy as a clam
  • as hot as hell
  • as innocent as a dove
  • as thin as a rail
  • as tough as nails
  • as white as a ghost

B2 6.45-8.20

1) Study writing on pp.17+18 SB

2) Do the Writing on p.18. Try to use words like "First of all", "Overall/All in all". Please be clear when you separate a paragraph.Use formal language and no abbreviated forms ("n't" becomes "not"). Use critical thinking and examples after giving your opinion.

3) I will have a great part of quizlet flashcards ready (a link will be posted on Viber). Use them to revise for Unit 1 test.

4) I will upload a document that contains everything I wrote on the board yesterday on finding arguments. We will practice on it again and again.


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