Mr Marc for 26/10/22

 C senior

Hello everyone, please play the game on theCambridge website to practice your vocabulary and all exercises from sb p128

Cheesy champions 

Hello everyone, please read the text p18-19 and complete exercises 2 and 3. Also, please revise the words from sb p14 ex1,2 and 3 ( use your wordlists and companion)

For the next part of the story please have a look at this video where we’ll try and make our story a little more vivid and life-like. Think of creative ways to describe your victim/ survivor’s story and what they saw/heard/smelled/felt and tasted. 


Revise pages 9,10 and 11 from the companion. Re-read the texts from the student book and complete p18 in the companion. Also, for those who’re interested here is a well made spooky story podcast that might get you in the spirit of things 


Please revise the vocabulary from the reading we completed today (2.29-2.58 in the companion) and complete the listening exercise here 


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