Ms.Vicky for 28/9

 B Senior

Hello guys!!!Here is the homework for Wednesday!!

1) Study the words we learnt.

big wheel=ρόδα, roller coaster=τρενάκι, roundabout=καρουζέλ, dodgem cars=συγκρουόμενα αυτοκινητάκια, band=συγκρότημα(μουσικό), mayor=δήμαρχος, microphone=μικρόφωνο, journalist=δημοσιογράφος, photographer=φωτογράφος

2) Study the different types of questions we talked about (yes/no questions,wh-questions,"to be"questions)

3) Please do WB/photocopy exercises p.4 ex.1+3 and p.5 ex.1

Pre-lower Fashionistas

1) Study the words on p.4 SB (travel)/ notebook

2) Do exercises on photocopy/WB p.4. 

3) If you already have a book, prepare the table on p.6 SB and do "explore it" section on p. 4. If you do not have a book,this is the question: 

What films do these lines come from?

a ‘To infinity and beyond!’

b ‘Just keep swimming.’

Write other famous lines from English films.


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