Ms.Vicky for 13/4

Furious Fireflies

1) Study Causative pp.106+149 SB 

2) Do exercises WB:p. 117,119+120 and SB:p.106 B,C

3) Follow the links below and do the Causative activities


1) Prepare your project presentation

2) Prepare the song chorus.Don't forget to send me the name of the song you have chosen!

3) Study Past Perfect use p.85 SB 

4) Do exercises WB: p.58

5) Please learn the following:

When it's carnival time, these tenses change costume:

Present Simple->Past Simple 

Present Continuous-> Past Continuous

Past Simple->Past Perfect

Present Perfect->Past Perfect

Bee's Knees

1) Study Writing usefull expressions on p. 89 SB.

2) Do Writing exercises and Writing task on p.61 WB.


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