Mr Marc for 06/04/22


Furious Fireflies

Study all the vocabulary from unit 8 so far and use your companion to complete the exercises from pages 104 and 105 on the student book. 

elegant elephants 

complete the unit 8 vocabulary from sb using your companion then complete the clozes on p117 ( all exercises) as well as the listening p 118 ( exercises 2 and 4 ) 

cambridge proficiency  🐖🐖🐖

correct the extra worksheet we did together ( see viber)

complete sb p98-101 ( make sure to read the exam advice on listening part 3 ) 

make examples with the phrases we looked at from sb p104 ex 4 and complete the phrase spot as well as p105 

see the example review and examiners comments i've sent you on viber

if you have got your review back please type it up on the blog i've invited you to with some improvement


embarrassing eskimo dogs

Hello everyone, for next time please complete the writing from unit 7 sb. Make sure you plan your essay and use the passive structures to make your suggestions. Then complete the reading from p102-103 - remember to underline your answers - and complete the exercises > words from the text ex A and B   

The Bee's knees

Finish wb p59 the listening exercises and please complete the worksheet on gerunds i've sent you on viber


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