Mr Marc for 06/04/22
Furious Fireflies
sb p 103 finish all exercises and underline your answers! ( use the companion ) and then complete the exercises from p104 ( words from the text > A and B)
elegant elephants
write some examples using the mistakes from the vocab quiz, and the extra exercises from unit 8 wb and sb readings. Read and write a summary of this short presentation prepare to answer questions on it using your notes and perhaps present some points for speaking part 2 practice.
cambridge proficiency 🐖🐖🐖
First of all, send me your gmail addresses so I can add you to the review blog
wb pages 46-47
complete the photocopy from viber
embarrassing eskimo dogs
Hello everyone, in preparation for the writing for this weekend, please read pages 15-20 here to get an impression of what is a poor, average, good and excellent email/ letter.
The Bee's knees
create at least 10 flash cards with the expressions from sb p86 but also the collocations from p71
also, wb p59 ( make sure you write some interesting fact on ex 3 and 6)
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