Mr Marc for 03/05/22

Incredible Iguanas

Hello everyone, for the Easter holidays please listen to this mistery and answer the questions ( preparation and 2 check your understanding) 

revise your collocations using the flashcards you made and the vocabulary from units 6-7-8

Government Agents 

Hello everyone could you please complete the guardian worksheet about Ernest Shackleton's expedition to Antarctica which i've sent you on viber. Also please read an article of your choice from one of the sources below :




Hello everyone. For easter, please study the sample writings i sent you on viber, complete the clozes and revise the vocabulary from all units using quizlet and your companion

Complete a writing task from test 2 of your test book. (test 2) 

Revise grammar from unit 7, 8 and 9 ( sb p216,217 and 218) 

Also please read an article of your choice from one of the sources below :


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