Mr Marc for 18/04/22


Furious Fireflies

 wb p115-116 and p118

elegant elephants  

writing from sb p121 - revise inversions from sb p216 - make sure you underline examples of the checklist in exercise 4 p 121 and that you cover the 3 point mentioned in ex 6. Use the structures in ex 10 

wb p84-85 ex 1,3,5,7 and 8 

cambridge proficiency  🐖🐖🐖

sb p103, then sb p114 and 115 > use this presentation for extra info about conservation 

 for more info on the part 1 essay go to sb p (12-13; 28-29,46-47; 62-63; 80-81 > check phrase spot)

embarrassing eskimo dogs

wb p115-116 and p118


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