Ms Themis Dancing Dolphins for 29/3/22

Hello children,

For Tuesday read about Argentina on p. 63 SB, answer the questions and remember the information very very well(without looking in)

Read the story on p.64-65 SB one time, we will talk about it next time. 

Activity book p. 63 ex. 4,5(the average temperature means η μέση θερμοκρασία),6 

Irregular verbs: Revise from be-leave. We will play a game!

Write a little story about your weekend. It can be real or not. Use the words: While I was.../I was... when suddenly/Fortunately (ευτυχώς)/ In the end.

Go on Cambridge One to do the activities of Unit 5!

Enjoy, see you soon! 


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