Mr Marc for 21/03/22


Furious Fireflies

Read the texts from unit 8 carefully. companion p96-98. Write examples with words you aren't sure about in your notebook. wb p103-104 ex A,B and C

Elegant elephants

  • Review the texts we studied from unit 7 together ( nanotechnology and stem cell research ) write examples from the extra vocab exercises
  • wb p70-71 > remember to underline your answers
  • study the grammar from sb p 216 and complete the exercises on sb p98-99. Prepare questions if you dont understand. Make sure you complete the exercises as best you can. 
  • student book p86 ex 3 ( no excuses, message the group if you dont understand) 

Cambridge proficiency ( pessimistic piggies)

  • lets review the vocabulary on personality and prefixes we explored on wednesday. Write a short description of an interesting character from real life or fiction ( series, comic book, film, book) 
  • also, please review the linkers on sb p81 ( do exercise 4 if you haven't already, if you have, watch this video and summarize it adding your opinion on the way it communicates the message)
  • finally study the grammar on p183 and complete all exercises on sb p86-87
  • oh, and photocopy I sent on viber

 I believe in you all! you are the bee's knees and the cat's pyjamas. The creme de la creme. 

Eskimo dogs

Read the texts from unit 8 carefully. companion p96-98. Write examples with words you aren't sure about in your notebook. wb p103-104 ex A,B and C

Ms Vicky’s Prelower


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