Mr Marc for 14/03/22

 Furious Fireflies

Sb p88 + p129-130

Elegant elephants

Revise vocab from unit 7 so far

Wb p58-59 ex 1,2,5,6,7 

Writing from sb p87 + p89-92 all exercises 

Cambridge proficiency 

Wb p38 ( you will need the Oxford learners dictionary for this, be prepared!) 

Prépare a short summary on the video I have sent on Viber and do sb p80-81 ex 2,3,4 

Revise the expressions with come on p77

Eskimo dogs

Writing from sb p87 ( use the expressions from the writing guide ) and sb p129-130

Ms Vicky’s Prelower

Hello everyone, please add the new words we discovered from the sb p74 ex 1 to your word lists, study them carefully and write some examples with the words you didn’t know before. 

Do sb p71 ex 4 and 6 and wbp51 ex 1 and 2 


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