Mr Marc for 09/02/22


Furious fireflies 

Study the vocabulary from unit 7 - use quizlet  to test yourself, then do wbp93
Then, complete the listening exercises here 

Elegant elephants 

write examples from sb p75 ex 3 and p76 ex 3 
study the words from sb p80 ( use the companion please and quizlet ( dont forget to bookmark it!)
finish exercises sb p 81 
watch the documentary I posted on viber and write a short summary and opinion on what you saw

Cambridge Proficiency 

write examples from expressions from phrase spot on sb p77
do all the exercises from sb p78 ( study the grammar from p183)
sb p76 ex 3, sb p82-83  
watch the netflix documentary " the social dilemma" and write a review for wednesday

Embarrassing Eskimo Dogs

Study the vocabulary from unit 7 - use quizlet  to test yourself, then do sbp88
Then, complete the listening exercises here 

Ms Vicky' s Pre lower

Please study the collocations we did together (sb p 71) and write them down in your notebooks in lists
workbook p48 ex 1,2,3 


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