Mr Marc for 04/04/23


Furious Fireflies

Wb p106-107 >quizlet

complete the reading from  this page and all exercises below

elegant elephants 

ahead of our next lesson please study the grammar on sb p 217, then do both readings from wb p80-81 and all exercises. use your companion . also complete listening from practice test 8 in your test books ( link to audio in viber ) 

cambridge proficiency  🐖🐖🐖

 study the grammar on p 184 of the sb then complete the sb p94 -95 then wb p44-45. Finally, write a review of a film for next time. 

embarrassing eskimo dogs

Wb p106-107 >quizlet

complete the reading from  this page and all exercises below

The Bee's knees

Do practice exercises from the cambridge platform for unit 7 vocabulary ( practice extra> Unit 7 keep calm > practice it > feelings 1 and 2 )


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