Ms.Vicky for 23/3

Furious Fireflies

1) Finish Grammar WB:pp.94+95 (21->50) 

2) Study Conditionals p. 148 SB 

3) Exercises p.95 SB 

4) Test yourselves through flashcards and wordwall below:

5) As always,if you have a question,feel free to contact me through Viber (did you notice the Conditional in this sentence??)

C Senior Fashionistas

1) Study the new words from p. 76 SB 

2) Revise Passive Voice from the photocopy exercises

3) I remind you to finish Cambridge One (deadline Sunday)

4) If you have time, do the reading section from your workbook.

Pre Lower

1) Do the exercises from WB pp. 50+52. If possible, send me a picture on Viber of the pages you finished until tomorrow morning.

2) Study the Conditionals' "formulas" and,if you have time,test yourselves in:

3) Please finish the questionnaire on your learning needs and bring it with you.


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