Ms Korina A senior 2 for 31/1

Hello everyone 🧚‍♀️
Copy the phrases (×2) and be ready to make sentences:
- do the chores=κανω τις δουλειές του σπιτιου
-lay the table=στρωνω το τραπέζι 
-mop the floor=σφουγγαριζω το πατωμα
-tidy the room=συμμαζευω το δωμάτιο 
-fold the clothes = δίπλωμα τα ρουχα
-vaccum the floor=βαζω σκουπα
-make the bed=στρωνω το κρεβάτι μου 

Notebooks: Do you help your parents with the chores? What do you do? How often do you help them?
E.g I always help my parents with the chores.
 I usually make my bed and...

also, do this photocopy!!

Have an amazing weekend🎈


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