Mr Marc for 24/01/22


Furious Fireflies 

 Hello everyone, for next time please write your own examples for the phrasal verbs with out on sb p56, then review and revise the vocabulary from unit 5 so far ( use this quizlet page to practice ) then complete the exercises from wb p65-66 and p68. 

Elegant elephants  

  • workbook p33 writing ( use the expressions and tips from sb unit 1, 2 and 3) develop your points and use high level vocabulary !
  • use the companion to complete the vocabulary exercises p52 -53 
  • wb p36-37 ex 2,3,4,5  

Cambridge proficiency 

  1. Hello everyone, for next time please review the mistakes you made on the exercises we corrected together - focus on the modals ! 
  2. workbook exercises p24 ex4,5 and p26-27 ex 6,7,8 
  3. Remember the text from sb p50? ( Emiliana if you havent already please complete this! ) I want you try to paraphrase the meaning of certain words from it ( see viber) use a dictionary only if absolutely necessary 
  4. Use the collocations and idioms from sb p54 to write a short answer to this question: " To what extent is modern pop music less important than classical music " 

embarrassing eskimo dogs

For next time please revise and learn the vocabulary from the texts we read together today companion p71-73

Next week I'll test your knowledge of unit 4 grammar and vocabulary. start revising! 


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