Mr Marc for 08/12/21


Furious Fireflies 

Hello everyone, for next time I'd like you to study the words from companion 4.1 - 4.38 and using your new vocabulary complete the reading from sb p42. Underline where you find your answers and make sure you re-read the text carefully. Remember to write examples from the mistakes you made on the vocabulary test we did on sb p 40 

Elegant elephants 

  • write examples using the words from exercise 2 wb p24 and sb p33 ex 3 . include relative clauses ( grammar from unit 1) 
  • complete exercises 2 and 3 p33 from the student book 
  • complete ALL exercises from wb p25 / underline you answers and re-read the text before coming to class. 

Cambridge proficiency 

  •  Carry our some research  on other food related idioms - look up these words in the dictionary : bread, butter, cookie, fat, grapes, gravy, mustard, turkey and find related idioms. Can you think of their greek equivalents?  
  • revise the expressions from sb p24 ( high and dry, time and again ect..) and the traveller collocations from p17, can you recall what they mean and how to use them ?  

Embarrassing Eskimo dogs 

Revise the grammar from sb p139

workbook p 53-55


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