Ms Nikoleta Prelower for Tuesday 30/11
Hello everybody!
I read your chain stories (the ones we did in class) and they were so funny! I laughed a lot! 😂😁
This is our homework for Tuesday:
1. Dictation:
a) Greek Wordlist (p. 14) revise the words exchange, outgoing, improve, homesick, variety, sociable, especially, ups and downs
b) Workbook p. 17 Copy these words in your vocabulary notebook and study them for dictation (you can read the text on this page to see how these words are used in a sentence)
plenty of= a lot
surrounded= περικυκλωμένος
lecture= διάλεξη
university= πανεπιστήμιο
turn out well = όλα πηγαίνουν καλά
ideal = ιδανικό
discipline = πειθαρχία
settle down= τακτοποιούμαι
2. Workbook p. 20 ex 1,2,3,4,5,6
3. Check Cambridge One for homework
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