Ms Korina A senior 2 for 15/11

Helloooo 🌼
Copy x 1 the words and be careful with the spelling!!!
-bones= κοκαλα 🦴
-muscles= μυς 💪
-warm up=κανω ζέσταμα🤸‍♀️
-sweat=Ιδρώνω/ιδρώτας 🥵
-use=χρησιμοποιώ (I use a helmet to protect my head)
-put on=βάζω (put on suncream)
-outside=εξω /inside =μεσα 

▪️Pupil's Book p. 25 ex. 4. Learn it by heart!!!
Smaragda and Billis learn the first text (Let's warm up)
Stella and John learn the second text (drink water)
Pavlos and Thanasis learn the third text(use sun cream)

Activity book p. 25 ex. 4,5
▪️write 5 sentences about what we must do when we exercise 🤾‍♀️
E.g When we ride our bikes, we must wear a helmet to protect our head.

Have a nice weekend!! 


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