Ms Korina A senior 1 for 29/11

Hello 🙋‍♀️
Copy (×1) the words and remember the spelling 
-put on=βάζω *put on sun cream=βαζω αντηλιακό
-inside = μεσα, outside = εξω
-important =σημαντικό 
▪️ Read the texts in SB ex.4 and try to learn these by heart:
Billy and Danai learn the first (let's warm up)
Nikolas and Alex learn the second (drink water)
Stelios and Stamatis learn the third one (use sun cream)

▪️Activity book p. 25 ex. 4 and 5!!
▪️join in Cambridge One and do the activities from there too!!! Class key: m8Uc-gsfs


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