Mr Marc for 29/11/21

 Furious Fireflies 

workbook p42,43  vocabulary only! Read the texts again and study the expressions in exercise E from the student book

Elegant elephants 

read and study the texts from unit 3 in the workbook and student book ( check the vocabulary) Complete the listening from the student book p28 ( track 4 and 5 here

Cambridge proficiency 

Hey guys, please complete the writing Miss Themis had assigned you last week. ( sb p 22-23 ) using this site you can run an advanced search on words.

write some example sentences with the collocations from sb p 33  ( another great tool for collocations is this site

complete workbook p18 ex 5 and 6. 

embarrassing eskimo dogs

re-read the texts from unit 3  and revise grammar and vocabulary. Pay attention to the mistakes you made. Complete your writing! 


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