Mr Marc for 22/11/21

 Furious fireflies 

study the words from companion 3.64 - 3.165 ( write out some examples for the expressions from exercise E sb p32)  then complete sb p 33. 

Elegant elephants

 use your companions to complete the workbook vocabulary exercises p19,20,21 and 22 ( dont forget to use the index at the back ) test your knowledge he re   

Cambridge proficiency 

Sb p28 ex 3 and p29 ex 4 and 5.

wb p13 ex 2 p 14 and 15 all exercises.  

Embarrassing Eskimo dogs

Revise words from companion 3.126 - 3.153 then complete exercises from wb p39,40,41. think you know it all?  test your knowledge here   


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