Ms Themis Dancing Dolphins for 2/11/21

After you read about the Lion of the Seas (SB p.14-15) again, do exercises 1,2 on p. 14 and ex. 4 on p. 15 in your activity books.

Some words from the story that you should copy in your vocabulary notebooks and learn:
Sailor-someone who travels by sea
Writer-someone who writes books
Poetry- ποίηση
Confident-καποιος που πιστεύει στον εαυτό του
Navigate- find my way
Birth (be born) - γεννιέμαι
Portuguese (someone from Portugal)
Route- διαδρομή

On the first page of your activity book there is an activation code and information on how to go online and join our classroom. Your parents have an email from us with information about it. You will have some homework from there too so please join. 
The classroom key is  ap4H-J3b6


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