Ms Sofia C senior 4 for Tuesday 12/10


For Tuesday:

1) study the words on p. 11 VERY well! 

2) Thodoris, Katerina,Markella: write a sentence for every word from the yellow☀️, the red🔴 and the blue 🌊 pie on p. 11.

George, Aggeliki, Kontas, Dimitris : write a sentence for every word from the orange🍊, the purple💜 and the green🦎 pie on p. 11.

The sentences should have the form of a quiz. 
For example: Peter is a very inspiring person. He is the best student, he is a chess champion🏆 and he can speak 4 languages👄💬. 
What is he??? -> (Talented) 

WB: P. 8

ONLY DIMITRIS: Please do the exercises above AND write the review on p. 9 from SB. (Ex.7) 



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