Mr Marc for 20/10/21

Furious Fireflies

Revise the grammar from p136 and p137 ( read it 3 times)

Read the unit 2 texts again, make sure you know the words and are able to answer questions about the texts! 

Elegant elephants

Unit 1 vocab quiz please review and revise words from texts (and workbook) and blue pages in unit 1 

Cambridge proficiency 

Student book listening( audio here - use a pc if possible), also remember to write down examples for you prepositional phrases and expressions with “have no” ( follow the “exam point” guideline in you sb ) 

Embarrassing Eskimo dogs

Review, re read texts and study vocab from unit 2 so far ( remember to do the word lists )

And vocab exercises a,b,c and d from workbook p26


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