Miss Sofia's AB junior 2 for Wednesday 21/4

Hello everyone! 

Your homework for Wednesday:

1) Read📖 the story on p. 104-105.

Learn your roles by heart❤

Frame 1: Penny: Smaragda
                Narrator: Fotis

Frame 2: Penny: Smaragda
                Narrator: Thanasis
                People: John

Frame 3: Narrator: Thanasis
                People: John

Frame 4: Narrator: Billy
                Penguin 🐧1: Stella
                Penguin🐧 2: Marilena

Frame 5: Narrator: Billy
                 Bert the bird: Marilena
                 Penny: Stella

Frame 6: Penny: Girls
                 People and Bert: Boys

2) Write True or False for these sentences. 

Frame 1: Penny is singing🎤. 
Frame 2: The people are watching 👀 Bert. 
Frame 3: Penny wants to jump. 
Frame 4: Penny can sing 🎤. 
Frame 5: Penguins 🐧 can swim🏊 and do tricks. 
Frame 6: Penny is doing tricks in the snow and the people are happy 😊. 


You can ask some questions to Penny the penguin! 🐧 🗣️

For example: Have you got friends👭👬? 
                       Are you clever? 
                        Do you like ice cream🍦? 

Penny will answer your questions next time!! 😊

See you🤩🤩


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