Ms Tina Cs2 Panthers for 10/2
Make sure you send the writing if you haven't
Start checking your wordlist for unit 4
1) student's book p 56 ex 1 2 3 and p 57 ex 3 and 4
2) workbook p 38 all activities
3) Optional: student's book p 55 prepare your own survey and report (ex 4 and 5)
Topic: How can you be healthier at school?
1) prepare 3 yes/no questions (take a look at ex 4 in the purple box)
2) ask your family or friends the questions
3) you can prepare a graph
4) Report your results and give suggetions on what we can do about it (see ex 5) - it must be a small paragraph
5) you can present it in class too
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